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Hehuan Creek Trail (合歡溪步道)

We started our riding from Fu-shou-shan Farm (福壽山農場) to Hehuan Creek. It's a fun MTB trail . The water was crystal blue and clean . There is also a detour trail to Hehuan W Peak which is listed in Taiwan 100 peaks.

At Nantou County the Li-Shing Agricultural Road ( 力行產業道路 ) is the hardest mountain road to reach in Taiwan, where broken geographic terrain is usually interrupted after heavy rains but the beauty of the mountains attracts many travelers to visit, with farms and grasslands on the way both sides, and some derelict guard post. It was the Military Road . Fu-Shou-Shan Farm's commanding Heights Tianchi ( 天池 ), there is Chiang-Kai-shek's Villa here, in order to security vigilance, The Ministry of National Defense deployed the anti-airborne troops stationed in Huagang (華岡). Therefore, people was not allow enter this place without permit in that time.

Later, Huagang became a farms for resettlement the veterans, the elevation about 2400 meters, the production of cabbage, peaches, apples, and oolong tea are getting highly appraised

In addition to the high altitude of the planting environment, the irrigation water from Hehuan Creek, is also one of the reasons why Huagang agricultural products are so good. In 1970 the Ministry of National Defense in order to solve the water problem of troops stationed and to take care the reclaim of veterans, decided to draw water from the Hehuan Creek along the Hehuan Valley laying water pipe, all the way forward to the source. The water pipe road that is Hehuan Creek Trail, until now still regular maintained to keep it smoothly.

The trail entrance is about 7.5 km from the Fu-Shou-Shan Farm, and 3.5 km of trail length. How beautiful the trail of Hehuan Creek, isn’t it? Let’s ride the mountain bike to figure out! This journey takes two days and one night.

Group size :1 - 6 persons 

More information please feel free to contact with us

No.2, Ln. 34, Qingtian 3rd St.

Puli Township, Nantou County 54549

Taiwan (R.O.C.)


0970318010       Paul Lee


我們從福壽山農場開始騎行至合歡溪步道, 這是條非常有趣的登山車小徑 溪水非常的乾淨並如藍水晶一般 這裡也可以繞道名列台灣百大名山的合歡西峰

位於台灣南投縣的 力行農產道路 可算是台灣最難到達的高山道路了 破碎的地理地形 通常在大雨後就中斷 但是高山的美景還是吸引許多旅行者前來拜訪 路的兩旁是高山農場與高山草原 偶爾還可看見廢棄的崗哨建築 這原來是軍事道路 福壽山農場的制高點天池 有蔣介石的別墅在這裡 為了安全警戒 國防部佈署了反空降部隊駐紮在華岡 因此 那個時代的華岡 曾經是老百姓無法進入的禁區 

華岡 後來成為安置退伍軍人所發展的屯墾聚落 海拔約2400公尺 生產的高麗菜 水蜜桃 蘋果與烏龍茶都有很高的評價

讓華岡農產品如此優良的原因 除了高海拔的種植環境外 還有引自合歡溪的灌溉水也是原因之一 在1970年代 國防部為了解決部隊的飲水問題 也為了照顧屯墾的老兵 決定自合歡溪引水 沿著合歡溪谷建水管道 一路推進到達源頭 這條水管路就是合歡溪步道 直到今日還是定期維護 保持暢通 

合歡溪步道會有多美? 讓我們騎著登山車來發現吧!

步道入口離福壽山農場約7.5公里 步道全長3.5公里 我們的旅程需要花費兩天一夜


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