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Wu-Ba freeway ( 武巴公路 ) A mysterious off-road trail that never appeared on the map

"Wu Jie”武界is a tribe of Taiwan's aboriginal - the Bunun布農族 . The origin of the name "Wu Jie" has two arguments: One is the border between the Bunun tribe and Atayal tribe 泰雅族campaigns. One is the Bunun language “Bogai” (meaning to climb over a mountain or cross a boundary ). This is an alluvial plain in the Zhuoshuixi river濁水溪. It provides living and farming for the Bunun "Bakuras"巴庫拉斯, the old tribal position of the Bunun, means "a good place where the riverbank is flat and adequate water." During the Japanese rule, people have been moved to Dili地利村 and Tannan潭南村. In the winter, from mid-November to early April of the following year, the riverbed of the Zhuoshuixi River became an off-road trail and friendly for mountain bike because of dryness. It also possible to do it other season but very depends on the weather. From Wu Jie take MTB riding along the riverbed of the Zhuoshuixi River what you will see on this trail, through the longest river gorge , see many waterfalls and geography landscape caused by river erosion .

Finally it's guide us arrive to Bakulas. Totally 32-Km. So that is nicknamed as the 58 freeway ( Wu-Ba Freeway), and that is the amazing MTB touring that we offer to you.

1 preson charge NTD3500/ per day ~ around 8hr ( inculd transport / full suspension bike / helmet / Dry food for lunch / insurance )

Group size :1 - 6 persons

Contact Us

No.2, Ln. 34, Qingtian 3rd St.

Puli Township, Nantou County 54549

Taiwan (R.O.C.)


0970318010 Paul Lee


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